File JFCK-R: Rules for Employee and Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices


1. Bus drivers and drivers of other District vehicles are prohibited from using cell phones or other electronic devices while driving.

2. Employees will limit the use of personal devices to school purposes or emergency purposes during breaks and lunch.

3. Middle School students are prohibited from using cell phones during the day.

4. All students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices, including but not limited to cellular telephones, Blackberries, iPhones, handheld computers, MP3 players and electronic games during classes, study halls, assemblies and other school activities.

a. During classes and school activities, all such devices must be turned off.

b. The only exception to this rule is when a teacher or staff member specifically authorizes students to use such a personal electronic device for a specific school purpose (such as entering an assignment in a PDA).

c. If this rule is violated, the teacher may refer the student to administration, or immediately confiscate the device for the remainder of the school day, or both.  Discipline may be imposed as provided below.

5. High school students may use electronic devices before and after school and during lunch periods.  Cellular telephones must be kept on “vibrate” mode to avoid disrupting others.

6. Students may use electronic devices on field trips and during extracurricular activities only if authorized by the staff member in charge.

7. The use of cameras in any type of electronic device is strictly prohibited in locker rooms, restrooms and classrooms.

a. Where students and employees are allowed to use electronic devices, they are required to obtain permission before taking a photograph or video of any individual.  Students and employees must also obtain permission from any individual appearing in a photograph or video prior to posting on any social networking site or other Internet site such as YouTube.

8.  Any use of cellular telephones and other electronic devices by employees and students that violates any Board policy/procedure or school rules is strictly prohibited.  In addition, accessing, viewing, posting, forwarding, downloading or displaying any materials that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal is prohibited.

9. Student and employee cellular telephones and other electronic devices may be subject to search if there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is violating Board policies/procedures and/or school rules.  An administrator may maintain possession of an electronic device as long as is reasonably necessary for evidentiary purposes.

10. Students violating these rules will be subject to discipline, which may include:

a. Not being allowed to bring electronic devices to school;

b. Sanctions ranging from detention to expulsion from school depending upon the nature of the offense and the student’s disciplinary record.

11. Evidence of illegal activities involving electronic devices will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorizes, and an administrator may give a device to law enforcement authorities upon request when appropriate.

FIRST READING:               January 14, 2010
SECOND READING:          January 28, 2010
ADOPTION:                        January 28, 2010

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