If you or someone you know needs assistance of any kind you can call the 2-1-1 support line and they can match you to some support.
September in Guidance
This month in guidance;
Kindergarten: We are learning about whole body listening with a book called “Whole Body Listening Larry” and we will also be exploring feelings and talking about all the different feelings that you can feel. We will be setting group expectations as well. We will also do a fun activity that talks about focusing our attention (we will make attentoscopes together! * Look for weekly handouts reviewing the language we are using and what we are working on *!
1st: We will be discussing group expectations, talking about our feelings and also talking about problem solving steps.
2nd: We will be establishing group expectations, and talking about how to be kind to each other and “fill each other’s buckets” using a book called “Have you filled a bucket today?” This story is all about how using respectful behavior fills other’s buckets and not being respectful dips from other’s buckets. We will also be reviewing some of the things that we learned last year in guidance.
3rd: We will be talking about empathy, conflicting feelings and active listening with some fun hands on activities during our time together.
Mrs. Libby

Second Step
Welcome back to school everyone!
It is going to be another great year at B.C.S.
Please check out this website for updates on what your children are working on with me in classroom guidance and small group lessons as well.
I will also be running some friendship lunch groups again this year as well. The kids really enjoy this time together!
Guidance will begin in classrooms the week of September 18th. I will doing things a bit differently this year. K will have guidance weekly most of the school year. 1st grade will have guidance 8 weeks at a time with the same teacher beginning with Mrs. Talbot’s classroom. 2nd grade will alternate their weeks, so one week Mrs. Benner, the next Miss. Rice and so forth. 3rd grade will be doing the alternating weeks as well. This will also go for 8 weeks. After the 8 weeks there will be a break and then I will be in classrooms for additional guidance lessons. 4th grade will have some lessons throughout the year with Lisa Couture from “New Hope for Women”. She will also visit grades 1-3 periodically as well. Her lessons are based on getting along and respecting our differences.
We will also have SASSMM visit us at some point this year to do some lessons on personal body safety. In February, The Cromwell Center will be back again doing some lessons on disability awareness. Both of these agencies do a wonderful job delivering their information in a fun, engaging, kid friendly manner.
As always, please do not hesitate to call, email or come on in to see me if you need anything at all!
Mrs. Libby