Want More Music to Practice?
Check out these links!
Free Recorder Sheet Music, Lessons, & Resources:
This site is awesome! It has TONS of free music at all different levels and in all different styles!
You can easily look through, listen to, and print the music you like. There are also play along tracks and improvisation practice to use as well!
This site offers a wide variety of easy songs with a simple click of the mouse. If you're simply looking for new free songs to play and print, this is the site for you! Upon further exploration of this site, you can also find more challenging music.
While being slightly more challenging to navigate, this site is a good resource for more challenging free recorder music. This webpage allows you to look through and print all kinds of classical repertoire for both the soprano and alto recorder, as well as music for recorder ensembles, and recorder and other instruments.
3rd Grade Recorder Curriculum
At Bowdoin Central School, we learn to play the recorder in third grade.
Beginning in the second half of the school year, third graders participate in a "Recorder Karate" Curriculum that helps them learn to play simple recorder songs while learning to read notated music. There are two fundamental reasons for learning to play the recorder. By learning to play a relatively easy woodwind instrument like the recorder, third graders become much better prepared to tackle the more challenging wind instruments in a concert band which become available to them in fifth grade. Perhaps more importantly though, through the Recorder Karate Curriculum students learn to read music - a skill that can be used for the rest of their lives.
The Recorder Karate Curriculum uses a scaffold approach to learning how to read music and how to play the instrument (each concept builds upon the next – like climbing up a ladder). The emphasis in third grade is to develop solid music reading skills, but we definitely have a lot of fun playing while learning some great songs and recorder playing techniques!
Students are assessed throughout the unit in various ways from individual playing tests to acquire belts, to notation and playing worksheets, to written quizzes and tests.
For more detailed information regarding the 3rd Grade Recorder Curriculum:
Click HERE
Click on the song titles below to hear some original recorder compositions!
"Theme Song" by Tyler
"Mix Up Music" by Layla
"The Butterflies" by Lily
"Untitled" by Azec & Bryce
Recorder Karate Belts
For each song or skill the instrumentalist learns, practices, and performs for Ms. Stratton he/she receives a different colored belt to tie around the recorder signifying that student’s current skill level. Each song becomes progressively more challenging and requires more technical skills as well as more fluent music reading skills to master. Third graders test for each recorder belt during music classes and will know in advance when the next belt test will be.

Instruments and Music Books
Each third grader is issued a recorder music book on the first day of recorder class.
It is each student's responsibility to bring both his/her recorder and music book to every class. Students are also responsible for making sure both their instrument and book are in good, usable condition. New books are available here to download and print. It is important that each student have his/her own book in order to complete homework assignments and practice!
To print a new 3rd Grade Recorder Order Form:
Click HERE
To print a new 3rd Grade Recorder Karate Book:
Click HERE

Practice, Practice, Practice!
Third graders have Recorder Homework almost every music class.
Because third graders only have music once each week, it is imperative that students practice playing outside of class. Practice does not have to be a big deal. Each song in the Recorder Karate Music Book is relatively short, so a minimum of 5 minutes of practice each day, playing through the song a couple of times without mistakes, or in some other schedule that works for your family should be more than enough for your child to master the song he/she is working on each week and even practice ahead.
Use the music videos below to make practicing more fun!
If you can play along with these videos, you are ready to test for the song's belt!