Chorus Class

4th & 5th Grade Chorus

Here is your guide to Chorus Announcements, Pictures, Audio Recordings, Helpful Information and Resources!

Chorus is a great opportunity to sing together, make beautiful music, & have a lot of fun!

All fourth and fifth grade students are eligible
to participate and perform in Chorus.

In this class, (which meets once each week for thirty-five minutes) chorus students develop strong vocal technique in a choral setting, work on performance etiquette, develop and refine music reading skills and musical expression, as well as sing a variety of choral songs from different cultures, in different languages, and in different genres and styles. Not to mention, we have a great time doing it! Each student, interested in participating in chorus must return a signed Chorus Contract.
To find and print copies of the Chorus Contracts, Click HERE.

The chorus performs in several concerts throughout the year.

Information is sent home with exact details of all performance events well in advance. For each concert, chorus students wear black and white – usually black or dark pants or skirts and a nice white shirt (button-down or blouse are preferable). We will provide concert attire for any students who might require it.

Choral & Instrumental Music Concerts

Each year, the chorus performs in two school-based Choral & Instrumental Music Concerts. These musical events include the combined-school choruses from Bowdoinham Community School and Bowdoin Central School, as well as 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Instrumentalists.
This unique performance experience is a wonderful opportunity for our Singers and Instrumentalists to share their musical talents in an ensemble and solo setting.

Chorus Audio Recordings: Click to hear us Sing!

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